Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mission Roe, we failed

We call it Mission Roe, because we tried to film roe walking around, but unfortunately we didn't made to do that.

Lidija saw a roe, I didn't, I give camera to Lidija to she try to film a roe. The problem was, that Lidija almost newer used the camera. her specialty is the photo camera, not the camera. It was also special case. It was needed to film on full zoom. It was heavy for everyone, speciali with old camera we had in this time, without stabilization. After some time I saw roe, then I took the camera and tried, but I didn't made. Mission failed.

We decide, that Lidia should have a little practice with camera, so on this short film you have two cameraman, first Lidia, then me. That day was more beautiful for photos, then for video.

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