Thursday, September 17, 2015

Photo of memorial statue of chimpanzee Sami, star of Belgrade Zoo park

On the photo is a memorial statue of chimpanzee Sami, the monkey who is in Belgrade zoo arrived on 12 January 1988 and quickly became a favorite of all people of  Belgrade and more then that. And there is the story, who was Sami?

Title: Memorial statue of chimpanzee Sami
Created By:  Bojan Milovanovic
Date: 20. September 2006.
Location: Belgrade

Who was Sami?

Sami has gained its popularity, on the way that it managed twice to escape from the zoo and get attention of the public and all sympathy.

First time he managed to escape on 21 February 1988.and have causes real mess in Belgrade. After one hour of chase through the streets of Belgrade, appeared Vuk Bojovic, a longtime manager of the zoo in Belgrade and managed to persuade a chimpanzee to come into his car, saying, "Sami, let's go home".

Stories about first Sami escape was still on air, Sami managed to escape second time in 23 February 1988. about 10 am.

After new chase through the city, Sami managed to climb to one garage. News about Samis new escape spread quickly through the city. In the street where is the garage quickly gathered more than 4000 people, carrying parols with slogans, "Sami we are with you", "Sami you're right", , "Sami not go down," "Do not give up, Sami"... There were loud chants in style, "Be careful, Sami", "We will not let you, Sami" …

After a long and unsuccessful persuasion, they decided to put him down with a tranquilizer gun. In that time Belgrade zoo did not have tranquilizer gun, so they needed to take it from Osjek zoo. Sami taken down in 5 pm, when temperature drop to almost 0 celsius degrees. Sami recovery lasted a few days with antibiotics and teas.

Sami has unfortunately died of an extremely dangerous disease, on 11 September 1992 in 1 hour after midnight. His autopsy showed that the cause of death was infarction of hose.

All newspapers published the sad news. They called it a popular Belgrade dissident, moody maverick,, a great gentleman, Dorcol refugees, alpha leader, a leader, an idol of children …

Sami was buried on the lawn in zoo in Belgrade, in front of a new home for the monkeys. Sami Monument statue was built on the 60th anniversary of the founding of the zoo, on 12 July 1996. Bronze statue of Sami will forever stand there and remind us of the wonderful moments of friendship with him.

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