Sunday, May 20, 2012

The big roundtrip

Our longest hike so far. That was our famous 2012th. We walked a lot, and this was the highlight. An unplanned journey that will be remembered.

We went on our trip a little after 2 pm. Yes, it supposed to be short walk in nature as usual, but in nature, often strange things happen.

We walk a little, then we ask a question: Are we going back, then we give as answer: No, let's go a little more, and so on, more and more. In one moment we decide to go over the village named Senje, back to Stubica, and our home.

It was route long more then 20 kilometers. It is not so big distance, but after we decided we must walk much faster then usual, because we already late. We must back on Stubica before dark.

Every weekend  walking mean so much to as in this mission. Without that, we would never made to reach on time.

It is so much interesting experience so we have plan to repeat this trip, but to do that, we need to improve a little more our walking condition.

It was our trip on film.

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