Tuesday, September 15, 2015

In the company of flying ants

Swarms of flying ants were everywhere around us. Ants on their nuptial flight in a sunny afternoon they made this our little trip interesting.

When we left our home we saw a big swarm of flying ants. in beginning we thought . it is only one swarm but later we realize, there is many  swarms around us.
We decided to continue our trip, because it was very nice Saturday's afternoon for walk.

We have not repented, regardless of the circumstances. We managed, up close to record ant queen, how run on the table. It is a little shaky, but she is so fast.

Our  trip is about 7 kilometers long. On our movie we record you can see many flying ants, there are thousands of it.

This time we repeated one route in which we rarely walk. It is as I said rout 7 km long, and it go from Stubica to location called Anski Potok, and back to Stubica, but on a little different way. We go trough part of Stubica called White Hill, then through village cemetery, next to the village church, and back home.

We hope that this short movie we create on our trip, you will like it.

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