Friday, August 28, 2015

Fotolia protection on customers detriment or something else?

Everyone who use Fotolia for selling they products, surely sometime made mistake when writing title, description or keywords. When this happen, they want to correct mistakes they made, but then they find out that it is mission impossible. The question is, why they do this to us?

As usual I have uploaded files on Fotolia, then I have added titles, descriptions, and keywords for every product. Next day, my wife noticed that i made mistake on title and description on one of files I added. I check this and I noticed that I made one more mistake on this file, I wrote wrong keyword for it. So, OK, mistakes are usual in that kind of work.It is not a big deal. I go to Fotolia to correct mistakes. I searched way how to do that, but on my big surprise I didn't managed to find, how to do that. I tried to find solution on internet, but again surprise. I find out that it is impossible. Fotolia from some reason don't allow users to change title, description and keywords, after they accept file on Fotolia.

I don't understand, why is this so? There is no any logical explanation for something like that. Fotolia don't look on products by titles, they index all products and give to all products unique index number.

I have some thoughts about this which brings mi to some conclusion. Maybe Fotolia on that way protect they servers from any kind of pressure, but is this right way? How much is right, that one so big company for self protection or some other reasons made system that is against interests of they customers.

I was so angry after this findings. I was so angry that I started to search some other service to sell my products.

When my anger a little passed, I decided to contact Fotolia support. I send one message to Fotolia support with detailed description of my problem.

They save the day. Fotolia support is in record time correct my mistakes, and informed mi about this. They also told me that I can\t change title, descriptions and keywords after I submit products on they system. Which I already know.

But, it is big BUT, Why is it so? Fear of future mistakes, make me nervous, so I will never understand, why some big companies have need to mistreat they customers.

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