Saturday, April 28, 2012

In nature, without inspiration - VIDEO

There is a days, when you escape from everyday activities, far from everything in nature, but in the same time, you want to be creative, and it is OK, but in some days, you simple should go in nature and just rest. You should rest from everything, even from creativity.

It was one of this days.
It was one hot day in April, it can be seen from photos we managed to create in this day. I'm sure it was a perfect day for enjoying the outdoors, but based on the images that I made that day, I can conclude that definitely it was not creatively inspiring day to me, at least not for recording.

Those almost 3 minutes of film is barely done in production, from 60 minutes of raw video material. It is a classic example of the lack of inspiration.

When you didn't satisfy with environment that you're looking through the camera lens, and constantly looking trough huge zoom in distant detail, it is a good sign to put the camera down and resting in the green. Shooting under 20 times zoom, out of hand with a camera from 2006 is pure adventurism. At the end, the production tries to make art of it, and instead of art, we get the experiment.

I can conclude, it was beautiful sunny day in April of year 2012. It was recorded and it stay until now, and will stay. We just slightly adapted it and in short form we want to share our day in nature with you.

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