Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Problems with the copyright on YouTube

Those who submit videos on YouTube, surely encountered problems with copyright, that caused to lose their sound on video material, which is you must admit very distasteful to watch. Here's my experience and how I'm trying to fight with this problem.

If on your video material appears protected music, whether you've set up on purpose or that you accidentally recorded, it can cause a lot of trouble to you, after you post video material on YouTube.

The problem is not so big if you have set the unauthorized music on the short video, because there is a simple solution for it on the YouTube. You can replace copyrighted music with the appropriate music in the duration of your video clip, with free music that YouTube offers to you. In any case you will not leave the video without sound because it is very distasteful to watch.

YouTube has a very strange way to punish music copyright offenses. That means that you can have a very difficult situation on the long videos. So if you place one video material on YouTube 3 hours long, but on it you have taken during the walk trough city streets with you camera and Madonna singing in the summer garden of the local coffee bar, of course, you camera record it. Can happen to you that because of the minute of Madonna sound in local coffee, all your video is muted by YouTube. and you will have 3 hours of silence.

In cases like this, YouTube do not offer any smart solution, because its replacement audio system has no ability to replace only part of the problem. Frankly, there is some solution in the attempt phase, but it is almost useless, because, imagine a situation online intervene on your video clip of about 3 hours long in browser. It would be such masochistic attempt. YouTube also offers only solution that you in your video clip insert only one  music track, you can not to line up several music tracks, it means that if you have more then one problematic places on you video clip, there is no help on YouTube for you.

In cases like this you have no other option, but to remove the video, and edit it on your computer by removing the problematic place or just remove sound and replace it with appropriate, permitted by the copyrights.

There are unsolvable problems. For example, if you record a performance of a local dance group that was on the tape deck playing a song of Madonna for that performance, that kind of material is unusable on YouTube, Replace that kind of sound is absolutely meaningless.

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