Sunday, April 29, 2012

Forest with mysterious crosses

Hundreds of crosses on trees beside the road has managed to confuse us. No, we were not scared, but it is confused us

Great afternoon for a walk. We passed the village cemetery, then to a place called Latovica.

That road crossing trough deep shade formed by dense high forest. It is excellent choose when weather is warm, but even then it can surprise with ponds and mud on the road at a time when they nowhere else can be seen.

Just before we enter in to forest, we saw beautiful scene,  a sheep gave birth to a lamb a roadside, alone without anybody, it was so natural and beautiful scene.

We continued trip in fragrance of elderberry. then, because of my curiosity I discover one very stinking flower in look similar to elderberry, but little smaller. I name it stinki-flower.

Those crosses on the trees are not strange to us, we saw it one more time before, but this day we saw so many of them. I suppose that wen we saw it first time, the weather was cloudy, or crosses are smaller, or maybe they was not in red color.

Now in front of us we saw hundreds of red crosses deeply carved into the bark of trees.

It was big mystery why those crosses are created, who do that. More then two years we thought about that. Then one day we solve mystery. That story we will tel you one day, maybe. We need to arrange all video materials about strange crosses we have, also we need approval from mystery actors to publish full story.

Now you can watch our short movie about mysterious red crosses on the trees, how we passed across Latovica, and on the end how we arrived home.

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