Saturday, August 15, 2015

One hot day in August - VIDEO

Hot afternoon at 35 Celsius in the shade with walking. A little drill nobody wouldn't hurt. It was worth the sacrifice of shade. Man should  push themselves to the limits from time to time.

This summer, I can freely say, this hot summer we had quite a murine life. We were hiding in a darkened and cooled home and avoid the hot summer days. On the other hand, maybe it is not so bad, because our skin is not sunburned, we did not have a headache from too much sun, but on the other hand, our fettle and stamina  are fell to a minimum, what is not so good.

Sunday afternoon, we did not plan any activities, because it was another hot summer day. Then I suggested that we go for a walk a little. Lidija agreed. We got ready in a hurry and went about 3 in the afternoon. It was very hot. The suit on me smelled like it was on ironing board.

This trip had some symbolism, because we were slightly altered our technological equipment. I've have a new camera, Lydia started using some more massive and better camera, which I've used before. I think that that camera in her arms will be very deadly weapon. I did a lot of photos, but somehow basically my love of recording movies is a little in front of the making a photos.

We made a solid number of photos and videos, so that we can introduce you that hot day in nature in a nice way. Production has gone smoothly, because the videos were smooth, so there was not a lot of cuts. We deliberately let a little longer shots, just to relax and enjoy from fresh rooms in heat that hot August afternoon. If nothing else, it will be a good heating when winter comes.

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