Monday, August 17, 2015

Bat in our house

When so horrible creature who drink blood, and that brings bad luck, and which serves the darkest forces flies into your house. What to do then? The question is whether this is really so, or maybe black stories about bats are not even close to the truth.

We stood like every morning, I was getting ready for work, and then I heard Lydia, my wife, as she says, bat entered in our bedroom. And that's how began this interesting day.

At the moment, when I saw it, this caused discomfort in me, because larger flying object in the house, always reminds me of a bird that flies into the house and my expectation is that it will now begin to stroke in chaotic moves all around, but quite the opposite happened, precisely and quietly and quickly, the bat was flying around us.

We decided that when it gets dark, we try to get it out or run out from the house. We know that they do fly only at night. He fell asleep and slept all day, hanging on the door in one of rooms, and then he woke up in the early evening.

Our and his view of things is not exactly the same in this moment. We are persistently trying to show him way out  of the house, but he steadfastly avoided it. During the fly,in one moment bat lost control of himself and hit the door, but fortunately quickly stood up and continued to fly. Later with examination of video material, which I somehow managed to shoot, we found that his loss of control caused by chandelier after it was clipped wing on it.

It was not possible to catch it, because it is very fast, and there is a risk that we does hurt it, because it is very gentle. On the end my mother joined us, so we had them with some bedspread, slowly move hem to the door, and he fly out.

Frankly, that we know, that he can fly out from house when he wants, we would not have him expel from the house. We were afraid he would not be able to leave and that he would die. We are sure that for him it is a lot better to be in nature then in house..

The biggest profit from all the events we've had because we learned a lot about bats.

In Serbia, bat is called "Slepi Mis" it means literally translated "Blind Mice". So we learn following 10 main thing about bats, and we want share it with you.

Ten facts about bats:
1. Bats are not flying mice - in fact they are not even close relatives to rodents.
2. The chance that you get bat tangled in your hair is zero. - They have a built-in sonar system which enables accurate navigation even in total darkness.
3. Bats are not blind. - Most of them see better than humans.
4. bats that eat fruits have adapted to low light vision like cats (they also see in color.)
5. Just like cats bats really care about their hygiene and lot of time they spent on self cleaning. They are not dirty animals.
6. Not all bats bloodsuckers. - In the world there are about 1,100 species of bats, and only three species drinks blood. These bats do not attack people, but drink the blood of animals.
7. The remaining 1,097 species of bats eat insects, fruits and nectar. Several species eat fish and frogs. Every summer the bats eat around a billion insects!
8. Bats are shy, gentle and intelligent creatures. Also are among the species that can reproduce the slowest. Most bats have only one young-ling per year.
9. Bats can live for 25 to 40 years.

10. The population of bats in constant decline. Most bat species is now endangered. All bats in Serbia are protected by law!

And so, somewhere I read that the biggest fault of bats that they are ugly, so people classified it as the vermin, but in fact the truth is quite different. The bats are extremely useful animals, and they are not ugly, though, about beauty and ugliness shouldn't be polemics, it is a matter of taste. The less bats in your area means more insects. This is especially important for beekeepers, because bats that live here are extremely successful in reducing the number of wax Moth. Given all the above, the presence of these cute nocturnal animals should not be a problem, but we should be happy.

I hope that our little unexpected guest, successfully found its way to home, and that he will have a happy and long life.

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