Saturday, June 20, 2009

On the other side of the river

It was one very exciting day.That trip was planed long time. We newer go on this area, and it was very intense and exciting for us.

Ruins we find on our trip
What you can see here? it is short story of one very long, tiring, but in same time extremely exciting day.

We went to a new area and explored it first time. We went to some strange road, because one old granny asked us to do that so we could bypass her dangerous dogs. Of course, we decided to accept the proposal of the kind Grandma. It is better to go on incredibly hard path through the forest, than to we find ourselves face to face with grandma dangerous dogs. Yes it remind me on some fairy tale, like Hansel and Gretel. No, we did not think about a witch that awaits us in the woods. The road was so much to climb, we stayed out of breath.

In one part of the road we managed to lost our self, but after some time we find right way.

Most exciting part is on way back, when we find some, on our opinion ruins. It looks to perfect shaped to say that it is act of nature. Yes we saw mani nature miracles, but this shapes are geometrically so perfect. It is most important finding on our journeys.

It was one of our earliest works, just this time, my friend Vladan was worked with camera. It was very shaky video material, and we thought it was unusable, but technology is better and better every day, so we decide to try to produce this video. We managed to create short movie 6 minutes long in which we will try to show you just a little part of our adventure.

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