Friday, October 2, 2015

Meloe proscarabaeus, they looks so powerful

We did ever noticed at what time of year we saw this insect and when we made photos of it, then when we investigate what is name of this bug, we find out that in Serbian language this bug is called Bug of May. Then we find out that it is Meloe proscarabaeus Linnaeus, 1758, or European oil beetle.

Title: Meloe proscarabaeus
Created By Lidija Milovanovic
Date: 18. March 2012.
Location: Stubica

In period from March to May, this bugs can be seen in many places in nature.

Since that Lidija is expert for photographing of small objects, she also has a responsibility to search for information about all insects and flowers she capture on camera. This time she have a little harder task to do. but she managed to find data about this armored bugs, with quite bulky proportions.

Despite the fact that it looks so rough, has a very gentle and romantic name. I say romantic name, because in Serbian this bug is named Bug of May. May is somehow remind as on love, it is a spring month. Spring is time to love for me.

Here is what we find out about this bugs:

Meloe proscarabaeus is a European oil beetle. It lives in meadows, field margins and other warm sites in all but the far north of the continent. It lacks hind wings and the elytra are correspondingly reduced in size. More on Wikipedia...

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Beautiful flower - We don't know name of it, but we love it

We didn't managed to find name of this flower, but it is definitely one beautiful flower, so we call it Beautiful flower. If someone know what is name of this flower, we ready do learn everything about it.

Title: Beautiful flower
Created By:  Lidija Milovanovic
Date: 05. November 2011.
Location: Stubica

When we made photo of this flower it was already autumn, it was early November. It was incredibly beautiful, located in all of these autumn colors, as it wanted to tell us that summer was here, and will come again.

As I already said, we didn't managed to find what is name of this flower, so if someone recognize it, pleas let us learn something about it. 

Friday, September 25, 2015

Lucilia caesar - Green fly on corn leaf

Summer is a season filled with insects. You should have good eye to see insects from other angle then rest of us. This green fly called Lucilia caesar is seen with Lidia's eyes and camera.

Title: Lucilia caesar
Created By:  Lidija Milovanovic
Date: 31. August 2014.
Location: Stubica

Flies, from our perspective are boring dirty insect, and in most cases we hate this small bugs. When we see it closer in details, they can look ugliest, or even we can see beauty on it, they can look scariest, powerful. They looks entirely different then when we look on it with naked eyes.

It is what we find about our green little friend:

Lucilia caesar is a member of the fly family Calliphoridae commonly known as blow flies. L. caesar is commonly referred to as the common greenbottle. The adult flies typically feed on pollen and nectar of flowers. The larvae feed mainly on carrion. From Wikipedia

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Hoverfly - Interesting insect flying like hummingbird

One interesting flying insect. We find out that this insect is named Hoverfly. It have very interesting behavior and it like to pose in front of camera. 

Title: Hoverfly
Created By Lidija Milovanovic
Date: 31. August 2014.
Location: Stubica

It is very interesting how this insect fly. It fly in front of ours faces statically like hummingbird. It didn't bit us, so we can't say that this insect is dangerous.

In some situations it know to be boring, when it start to circling around us, but it is probably hes job.

It is what we find out about Hoverfly

Hoverflies, sometimes called flower flies, sweat bees or syrphid flies, make up the insect family Syrphidae. As their common name suggests, they are often seen hovering or nectaring at flowers; the adults of many species feed mainly on nectar and pollen, while the larvae (maggots) eat a wide range of foods. In some species, the larvae are saprotrophs, eating decaying plant and animal matter in the soil or in ponds and streams. In other species, the larvae are insectivores and prey on aphids, thrips, and other plant-sucking insects.

More you can find out on Wikipedia

Monday, September 21, 2015

Birdhouses near the village Stubica

Many things build by human hands placed in natural environment, can be decoration for already beautiful place in nature. One of that kind of object is birdhouse near village of Stubica on place called Latovica we photographed.

Title: Birdhouses
Created By:  Bojan Milovanovic
Date: 5. Jul 2009.
Location: Stubica

Next to the small cottage in natural environment was placed beautiful birdhouse, which we could not resist, we must take photo of it. It looked as though it had grown there, as it is just the place for it.

Unfortunately, the later tour of this place, we saw this beautiful building torn down. If it's any consolation, it will remain alive forever in our photography.