Saturday, June 2, 2012

Our Trip in Nature

Jun is the month that can give us beautiful days for relaxation in nature. Nature is green and clean, and when is sunny day, it is hard to resist it. This time our choice is to visit Radojko Valjavica.

As usual, we're not early. We went after noon. Sometimes I miss the sunrise on these trips, it is very rarely seen.

This time we decided that I rekord whole trip all time, but I tried not to pay attention to the camera only to focus on the possible interesting details. Lidija as usual should photographing details.

Lidija as usual, done shes part, I now already as usual failed. I wonder when I will begin to justified myself that I failed because old camera, which is far from these advanced. But the only reason to blame old camera is that this camera don't have stabilization. All other is on me.

It's not the only problem in recording this time. The decision not to pay attention to the camera contributed to the fiasco.

Total footage in that day is 3 hours. The total length of the film that we made in the production is 22 minutes. If you think that I was so picky and threw shaky scene and selects only straight shots, then you are not quite right.

On the first cassette that takes 60 minutes for an attempt of production were available less than 20 minutes. Here's why. In one moment I zoomed in some detail and at the same time looked at a bird that has flown through, forgetting to return the zoom, and since it is an agreement that we're going to probe the free camera, then she is free to filming in full zoom all around. Yes, it was wonderful to watch. Fortunately, when the cassette expired during replacement camera zoom returned to normal, and the recording continues normally on the second tape. Who knows, maybe I would not remember to look through the objective, and continue to record with yoom on second tape.

The second cassette has gone relatively well, if we can call it well, we have long time ago realize that movement and shooting with this camera is not exactly the happiest combination, especially not on the mountain roads and uneven terrain.

The third tape that sealed this day and put a label on it unlucky. The first 20 minutes had passed in the expected parameters, but then I was at some point by mistake twice pressed the pause button and instead stop recording, I continued to film. So in next 30 minutes, when I picked up the camera to shoot something I stopped recording, and when I looked down, camera continued to record. Yes, people have set different sounds for stop and start. I even at one point commented that the camera is flipped and does not offer sound effects to which I am accustomed, but I am not for a moment starting from the assumption that perhaps I maybe flipped and that I should look into the objective. It was a memorable half-hour recording.

In the end I somehow again thankfully press stop twice, so the camera is returned to normal use, so that the end of the tape is correct.

When I looked the tape later, I was shocked and I almost cleaned up, luckily I have laid down the rule that there is no deletion of unsuccessful movies and photos. These are the best materials for the study of defects and to make progress in this work.

The final movie is interesting, is not excellent, because the program in production had to correct the shaking so we have those famous mirage on the screen. Fortunately, we have to overcome this with a new camera, and this camera we sent to the well-deserved retirement, but for some more time we will to spend with past labor of old camera. Yet these are beautiful landscapes and beautiful days. Nature is always beautiful, even in the eye of shaky camera.

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